Here you can find more information about the animal Gardner's splendid carp

Gardner's splendid carp

Gardner's splendid carp

Fundulopanchax gardneri

About me: Hello, I am a blue lyretail and need sandy or peaty substrate to feel comfortable. The more varied you feed me, the more I will thank you with my colorfulness! Generally I don't get along well with my male colleagues, so you should keep me best with two females and one male. Unfortunately, I sometimes eat juveniles of my species, so caution is advised here.
General information: Males larger and more colorful than females
Size: 1.97 inch - 2.76 inch
PH value: 6.50 - 7.00
Water hardness: 5.00 - 8.00º dGH
Temperature: 22.00 - 25.00 ºC
Schwimming position: Mitte
Aquascaping ?: Stones and planting for hiding places
Feed: Dry/frozen and live food
Minimal tank capacity: 54 liters
Minimal edge length: 23.62 inch
Minimal edge height: Unknown
Origin: Africa
Stream: No
Swarm or group behavior: No
Colorful: Yes
Fresh water: Yes
Salt water: No
Socialization possible: No

This are my friends

Aphyosemion striatum
Aphyosemion striatum
Aphyosemion striatum
PH value:6,00 - 7,00
Temperature:20,00 - 24,00 ºC
Water hardness:2,00 - 15,00º dGH
Cape Lopez
Cape Lopez
Aphyosemion Australe
PH value:6,00 - 7,00
Temperature:20,00 - 24,00 ºC
Water hardness:1,00 - 10,00º dGH